“Awaken is a feature film exploring humanity’s relationship with technology and the natural world”
Author Archives → jeff
Kaitlyn Kurilich

Website here. Also on @caitlynkurilich on Instagram.
Quarantine Bread 27April20

20% Fresh milled Colorado Windy White wheat
5% Organic Medium White Rye flour
75% King Arthur Organic Bread Flour
80% Hydration
Movie Posters Restored

Movie Posters Restored on tumblr. Weird how the poster for The Name of the Rose makes it look like a lighthearted romp.
Pink Floyd Live at Pompeii
It’s here until 3pm tomorrow. Get it while it’s hot.

Johannes Hulsch on Instagram.
The Meteoriks
“The Meteoriks are an open and inclusive award to honor demoscene productions of 2019. In several categories, we recognize the best of the best of the previous year.“
I love demos.
Well Now WTF?

Well Now WTF? is a virtual GIF art show.
Cello Radiohead Covers
Like it says on the tin.
Odyssey fanfic
Tumblr discourse, and Greek Mythology. This brings me so much joy.