Jason Anderson. IG here.
Posts Tagged → instagram
Rik Oostenbroek’s work is unbelievably beautiful.
Ilhan Eroglu
Sheng Lam
Sheng Lam, Freelance Concept Artist. On Instagram @8bitwizard.
Kaitlyn Kurilich
Website here. Also on @caitlynkurilich on Instagram.
Johannes Hulsch on Instagram.
Link Dumplin’s 10April20
A selection of links for you to explore this weekend:
- @seaglass_takechan on Instagram. Art made with glass from the sea.
- Natalie Shau’s Haunted Beauty on Instagram.
- The Good News with John Krasinski
- Joseph Lee’s super abstract portraits.
- Coldplay’s tiny desk concert.
- Marcus Cederburg’s minimalist photography on Instagram
- Sir Patrick Stewart reading a Shakespeare sonnet every day on Instagram.
- The Pen Addict dot com is a blog about notebooks and pens. Which means its a blog for me.
- This tumblr thread in comic form will always make me laugh.
- Kicks Condor’s href hunt is back. This time it’s double sized.
- Like Roots in the Soil looks like an interesting little game.
- Andy’s working notes is Andy Matischak thinking out loud about note taking.
- Ben Hatke is very talented.
Blondie and Rye
Blondieandrye are baking beautiful things on intstagram.
Asumi on Instagram
Asumi on Instagram. Beautiful and soothing.
Killian Schönberger
Into the Woods with Killian Schönberger. His Instagram is here.
via Moss & Fog