A selection of links for you to explore this weekend:
- @seaglass_takechan on Instagram. Art made with glass from the sea.
- Natalie Shau’s Haunted Beauty on Instagram.
- The Good News with John Krasinski
- Joseph Lee’s super abstract portraits.
- Coldplay’s tiny desk concert.
- Marcus Cederburg’s minimalist photography on Instagram
- Sir Patrick Stewart reading a Shakespeare sonnet every day on Instagram.
- The Pen Addict dot com is a blog about notebooks and pens. Which means its a blog for me.
- This tumblr thread in comic form will always make me laugh.
- Kicks Condor’s href hunt is back. This time it’s double sized.
- Like Roots in the Soil looks like an interesting little game.
- Andy’s working notes is Andy Matischak thinking out loud about note taking.
- Ben Hatke is very talented.