Post Category → tumblr
Tumblr is still here

The Ever Mutating Life of Tumblr Dot Com by Allegra Rosenberg is a deep, useful look at the current state of Tumblr dot com. Despite the ongoing death-vigil the site is still alive, still weird, and definitely unlike other social media sites.
I was trying to write these exact thoughts for two weeks and after reading this one I tossed my draft in the bin. This is a great piece.
Tumblr Love

I love tumblr. My dash has been on a pretty amazing hot streak lately:
- Here’s a complete rework of Anakin Skywalker’s tragic character arc . This is a tour de force of tumblr discourse. I would watch the fuck out of this.
- The evolution of clown species. Tumblr is back on it’s glorious bullshit.
- Here’s a long tumblr group imporv that tells the story of a Roomba with a knife taped to it becomes humanity’s honored representative to a galactic UN. I know, right!?
The RMS Carpathia
The story of the RMS Carpathia, a ship that tried to save the sinking Titanic is genuinely spellbinding.
Shipping Doof & Perry
A long Tumblr discourse on shipping in the Fineas & Ferb universe? Yes please and thank you!
Wikipedia discourse
A great discussion of the merits of Wikipedia. I never knew there was a Simple English translation option for complex articles!
You’re a misunderstood one…
Why is the grinch so grinchy? Here’s an AU with an answer, some art, and the ensuing reaction. This is a real journey but damn, its so worth it.
Back on my bullshit
Back on my tumblr bullshit. This post is so everything I love about it. Make sure you read the comment thread to the end.
Tumblr love
This epic tumblr post imagines the Antichrist from Good Omens growing up to be the John Mulaney of his universe. I get it. It’s SUPER inside-baseball. It depends on the reader’s familiarity with Good Omens, and John Mulaney, but if you happen to be in that narrow demographic, it’s hilarious. I’ve said this before: If you’re not on tumblr you’re missing a lot.
Stay strong, tumblr
Posts like this are why I still love tumblr so much. It’s got everything: A joke that poses a legitimate question about pop culture, a meme that would be cringe-inducing on a Facebook timeline but totally works here, and a thoughtful, useful answer by someone with a vaguely pornographic sounding user name. This is a lot of bang for the buck.