A great discussion of the merits of Wikipedia. I never knew there was a Simple English translation option for complex articles!
Author Archives → jeff
Mindscape Podcast
An excellent episode of Sean Carroll’s Mindscape Podcast, with Kwame Anthony Appiah on identities, stories, and cosmopolitanism. A great conversation on how we sort ourselves and what it means to do so.
Amazing Stories returns
Stephen Spielberg’s Amazing Stories is back, this time on Apple TV+. I watched the original series in the 80s and loved it. (via the amazing RECS newsletter)
The Civic Imagination
The Civic Imagination Project “taps the Civic Imagination (our collective vision for what a better tomorrow may look like) to bridge perceived gaps between diverse cultures.” (via the How Do You Like it So Far podcast).
The World’s Music Charts
The World’s Music Charts is a comprehensive collection of world music chart info. There’s a lot of data here and some fun ways to interact with it. I learned that Baby Love, by the Supremes was the number one song in the US on the day I was born. (via Dark Roasted Blend.
Medieval Meme
An amazing meme with an ensuing education on blades. Yet another example of the comments used for lawful good on Tumblr. I’m not naive enough to think there aren’t toxic shitheads out there in the Tumblerverse, but I’ve managed to miss them so far and it feels nice.
Doctor vs. Furry Artist
Doctor vs Furry Artist post as a comic. I love this with the power of a thousand volcanos. Here is the original thread.
Spider-verse Easter Egg
It was right there, in front of my face, the whole damn time.
Monday Bread

25% home-milled, hard white wheat, 70% King Arthur bread flour, 5% organic light rye, barley malt.
“botnet is a social network simulator where you’re the only human along with a million bots who are obsessed with you.” This is so right now.